The Gigging Musician Podcast

A Simple but Powerful Marketing Tool For Your Music

Jared Judge

In this episode, Jared discusses the power of marketing and how musicians can use it to their advantage. He introduces the P-A-S formula (Problem, Agitate, Solution), which is a tool used in copywriting to sell products or services. He provides examples of how this formula can help you with your gigging career.

What's up gigging pros. It's Jared and welcome to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast. Today, I wanted to chat a bit about a really incredible tool that helps with everything with your booking. So if you're feeling like, you know, you're not having enough people coming and reaching out to you saying they want to book you, or if people are coming in reaching out to you and saying, Hey, we want to book you, how much does it cost? And when you reply, that they ghost you, this tool will help fix a lot of those problems. And when I discovered it, it was like illuminating. You know, I felt like my whole world was kind of opened up, because I realized that other people were using this tool on me. And I felt like I was kind of seeing the code in the matrix. And it's a marketing tool. And this specific tool is within the realm of copywriting. So before we dive too deep into what this tool is, I want to just give some context, what is copywriting? copywriting is not the act of putting the copyright logo and symbol onto the end of your, I don't know, company name, or brand name. And you know, copyright 2022. That's not the copywriting I'm talking about. copywriting is the act of writing copy. Let's still see Opie why, but in this case, it means the text that is used in marketing messages, to elicit people to actually take action and either book, you or buy what you're selling, or just take action, like registering for a challenge, that's copywriting. So, if you think about copywriting, if you think about any advertisement that you've seen, maybe a billboard on the side of the road, or if you're on Facebook, and you see ads, and they have text on them, that his marketing copy. And that copy can be structured in a variety of ways. And if you really start to look at the advertisements that you see in your daily life, you'll start to notice some patterns. And the thing is, if you notice these patterns, and you start to apply them to the things that you're trying to accomplish with your music, or even not in your music, like say, you're trying to save a side business, selling pool covers or something, and you start to use these patterns and your pool covers business, you're gonna have a lot more success, because these patterns are based off of human psychology. And so when you think of somebody trying to, you know, solve a problem, which, if you haven't realized by now that your music helps somebody solve their problem. And I talk about this a lot. But for like weddings, the problem that people are trying to solve is they don't want their guests to be bored. They want their guests to be entertained, they want them and their guests to remember their wedding for the rest of their life. So we are solving problems. And for most people problems really have an emotional impact on people. How does it feel when your guests like when you are worried about your guests being bored at your wedding, like that's doesn't feel good, that makes me feel fearful and anxious and a little embarrassed. And when you can tap into these emotions, when you're marketing your band, or your product or your service, its emotions, where people are primarily sold. So if you can tap into these emotions, identify with them, and, you know, leverage them in your marketing copy. That's really where you can sell people. It's not about the logic behind it is not about how many songs we play. It's not about you know, what are the cool stages that you've played on? Or who are the cool, cool musicians that you've opened for? People don't care about that they care about how do you solve their problems? So I'm getting to the tool, but I had to set up some context for it. Because you know, understanding this, this is radically different than what we're taught in our music lessons or music school. And I just want you as the the gigging musician listening to this podcast to understand it, because it's so powerful, and I just wish every musician could learn this stuff. Because I think it would really change a lot of musicians lives, it'd be a lot more music out there. Alright, so the tool in copywriting is the P-A-S, copywriting formula. P-A-S stands for Problem, Agitate, Solution. So when you're writing, copying, whether it's on a website, or when it's an email response, or, you know, an ad on Facebook or something, getting back to the concept that we solve problems, the copy that we write, should focus on their problems. So that's where the P in the pa s formula comes in. You want to state their problem. For example, if I were to go back to that wedding example, the problem people are trying to solve is they want them and they're getting To be entertained, and it to be a memorable experience. So it starts out by saying like, I would even ask a question, Do you want your wedding to be a memorable experience that guests rave about? And talk about for years to come wondering when you're going to hold another one. So that is identifying the problem. The second step of the P-A-S formula is to agitate the problem, you want to make it even worse. So why is the first problem really as bad as it is? So that's where I already mentioned, the first part, which was, Do You Want Your Wedding To Be Memorable and Entertaining. Second part would be like 80% of guests. After weddings, they surveyed weddings, I would say 80% of guests have actually said the number one thing they remember at weddings is the entertainment. And so if your guests are going home, and your entertainment was subpar, they're going to talk about that, and they're going to have conversations about you behind your back. I mean, I might not actually go that deep. But that's like an example of agitating it. Or how else can you make it bad. Like, if you don't want to walk into your wedding with a completely silent backdrop, and it sounds really boring and people are on their phones. That would be the agitation part is, you know, paint the picture of what it's going to truly be like, if the problem is not solved. Then the third part is the solution. So if you don't want to experience any of that, then I want to introduce you to my band or my string quartet. We are the top rated string quartet in our city that makes your wedding memorable, and something that guests will talk about for years to come. So that is the P-A-S formula in copywriting. Its Problem, Agitate, Solution. So I want you to start to notice in the advertisements and copy that you see throughout your daily life, even in emails that you receive, start to notice, does the P-A-S formula show up in your inbox? Does it show up on your Facebook feed? And if it does, I want to hear from you. I want you to let me know, I don't know, send me a message on Instagram @JaredJudge or Facebook, shoot me a friend request. So I want to hear from you. And I want to know that you're getting some value out of this and noticing some of the things in marketing and figuring out how to apply it to your music too. Because that is incredibly powerful. That's how there's going to be more music in the world is if we musician start to market and sell ourselves better. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast hope you got some value out of it. And we are running another Book More Weddings Challenge. So if you want to Book More Weddings, you feeling like your calendar is a bit empty, especially with two and a half million weddings happening in 2022. Thanks to the rescheduling from 2020 and 2021. If you want to take advantage of that you don't want to be left in the dust. And you're wondering why you're getting ghosted from people then join the Book More Weddings Challenge to take advantage of this incredible opportunity for musicians here in 2022. And for years to come. By the way that was a P-A-S style copywriting so I shared the problem of is your calendar feeling a little light? I agitated it by saying that there's going to be more weddings this coming year than ever before which is true check out the New York Times Instagram for that. Then it offered a solution the Book More Weddings Challenge. So join the Book More Weddings Challenge go to and I will see you on the inside. Remember you are just one gig away.