The Gigging Musician Podcast

The Denver Project 2nd Update

Jared Judge

In this podcast episode, Jared describes how he's progressing in his efforts to book gigs in the Denver area. He reports that he has collected business cards from potential contacts at a bridal show and he's been reaching out to these contacts to follow-up. He also mentions that he's participating in social media groups for wedding vendors and venues and that he has scheduled a sales call with a DJ.

Hey, what's up full time musicians? It's Jared here, h+appy Tuesday, Wednesday, it's Wednesday, I wanted to give you all an update on the Denver project. As many of you know, I just moved to Denver from Milwaukee about two weeks ago. And I'm in the process of relaunching my gigging acts from scratch, no connections. I don't know anybody here, I haven't played a gig here yet. And so many of you are kind of in a similar situation in your cities. So I'm sharing with you the moves that I'm making to get myself my first gig and a sustainable, repeatable model, where I can play gigs, every weekend. So it is a daunting task. And let me tell you, this is the second update I'm giving to you and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Because I'm running basically, multiple businesses, you know, I have a nine to five job, which is serving you, my community and doing coachings and handling emails, helping you with your spreadsheets and websites, and all of that. And in addition, I am growing my own act from scratch, which can be a full time job in itself. So I feel overwhelmed. But in order to combat that overwhelm, I have a mentor that I just got off of a zoom call with who's helping me figure out better task management, and just a better way of handling my time. And even thinking about this from a different perspective, because it's less about me, like trying to get a gig for myself, I've played so many gigs that like, you know, I wouldn't say I'm geeked out, I love playing gigs. But that's not the important part. The important part is me showing that my process works. And it will work faster than when I first discovered it many years ago in Milwaukee. So thinking about it in those ways, helped me feel less overwhelmed, but you can't completely avoid overwhelm. And the other thing that she helped me with is just use a task management tool, whether that's writing tasks out, which is what we did during our meeting, or using some sort of online tool, which I use, which is a task management tool. I've also tried Asana in the past, but seems to be working a lot better for me than Asana right now. Alright, so to the meat of the matter. What have I done since we last checked in? Well, last night was my first meeting with the Denver National Association of Catering and Events, which if you are not familiar, it's definitely in one of the modules in Fulltime Music Academy, you gotta watch that module. But it is a group of event planners and venues and people in the events industry, because you know, I'm targeting high paying private events like weddings, corporate events, and nonprofit events, which I chatted with the musician today who said that on the East Coast, they call those floodgates, let me know if that's true for you too, because I always thought a club date was literally like, a nightclub where they have live music. So I'm learning all the time. So let me know if it's called a club date for you for private events, too. So I went to this nice meeting last night. Prior to that, you know that I reached out to the president of our chapter of nice National Association of Catering Events, told them that I had experienced in Milwaukee's chapter, that I would love to be involved in the Denver chapter. So last night was the first time I met them all in person. It was at a really cool spot called playing this industry is a combination of a bar and also a bowling alley and arcade. And it was a Hangout session to call it a nice, happy hour. And so really, it was just us hanging out talking, getting to know each other. And I'm kind of an introvert. You know, I say that I am an introvert. So these networking events can be pretty overwhelming and scary. But it's good to come up with like a little story prepared. And the main stories that I shared was, this is my tough day in Denver. And so people were like, Oh, you gotta try this. You gotta go on this hike. So I use that as my meeting, like, Hey, I'm Jared. Jared, nice to meet you. I'm an electric violinist. And I've been in Denver 12 days. So they're like electric violin. That's cool. And then I had YouTube prepared on my phone with a couple of videos. So I pulled out my phone and shared a couple of here and there that like, that's so cool. From that event, I collected what my wife calls dandruff. And if you're looking at the video, this is my collection of data collected last night. This is an event planner. This is another event planner. This is a DJ company. This is a another DJ company. This is a photographer, and this is somebody who runs a bridal show. So I collected dandruff, which is business cards are people that I'm going to reach back out to. And in fact just talking to a lot of people and just telling them I'm an electric violinist. They were so excited because they can see how within their clients. So we made some plans to follow up. I'm going to send out lots of emails today just just to remind them who I am. Videos and um another thing is I performing nice meeting which is in October October so I got a spot to platform yes I play important exposures and I'm not getting paid for this but by some of the highest paid exposure because it's sports event planners and venue owners who have my minor fix. So that's why I do that for free and I'll happily do that as often as they want because they're gonna they're getting lots of pleasant space to meet new friends already start I don't know anybody here I do have a little bit of presence so hanging out. that was another thing of progress that I didn't want to share at Fulltime Music Academy as a group of scripts there are a lot of wedding vendors and venues use and I joined join as many of them in the member area I could. I saw a couple of days ago saying they're looking at a violinist for start at because as a package of services so this DJ asking so I reached out I said "Heck yeah!", I just moved to Denver area here's a video let's chat. So we scheduled a phone meeting and we chatted yesterday actually read the meeting and introduced myself as a full time musician in Milwaukee and he's like yeah, that's perfect, perfect request groups. And send me an email with your pricing and some videos so I said will do and then this morning because he wants to be video video files and site rather than YouTube videos so I spent a bunch of downloading videos it was up to him to just put the URL like here's the bite and move on and then I transfer pretty much just like yours you're racing and happy to work with you. So that yes is in the wording that works for humans. And then another day I have my work butterfly or one of our mentors Jennifer mentioned that she lived in the living area and so I'm excited to hear their however whatever a sales sales call scheduled for for wedding, so I'm gonna try to try to do that once or for very clear. So venue tour, I probably shouldn't be once so tour I'm excited to owner area list and that's how that happens and had choose you know, sales or selling selling a electric violin or Denver. Neither of neither of those lives yet one of them. They're still talking about the other one the other one later, but their budget, so I'm not willing to do so, but I do expect the second one to close. So I'm getting leads and that that is mentioned I mentioned before I'm feeling overwhelmed a lot, but but it's it's making progress along the walking, so So hey, appreciate the journey that I'm documenting live and I will catch up here retrogressive. So thanks so thank you all for your support and action wherever you're at your music carreer. Whether you're starting or you're pretty far along, you're trying to get to the next level. So thanks for watching, remember"You are just one gig away!".