The Gigging Musician Podcast

The Song List Funnel

January 26, 2023 Jared Judge
The Song List Funnel
The Gigging Musician Podcast
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The Gigging Musician Podcast
The Song List Funnel
Jan 26, 2023
Jared Judge

In this episode, Jared shares a new website strategy that will help drive higher-paid bookings to your musical act.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Jared shares a new website strategy that will help drive higher-paid bookings to your musical act.

Hey, what's up gigging pros. It's Jared Judge. Welcome back to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast. Today, we're going to tune into my weekly live stream once again, because I'm going to share with you a new music website strategy that will get you people raising their hand saying I want to learn more about you and I want you to come and play at my event is a top secret strategy that I haven't shared anywhere else other than this live stream that you're going to be tuning into which was in The Business Tips for Gigging Musicians Facebook group. So let's take a listen into this new website strategy called the song list funnel. For those of you who are new, my name is Jared Judge, I run Fulltime Music Academy I help musicians earn those awards behind me which are called the major six awards for earning over six figures through their gigs. And we do these weekly live streams to kind of catch people up share what's working because we are always experimenting on our music marketing. A nd it's good to just share what's working so that you can update yours, your marketing and get more gigs that that way. Alright, so I always like to start these with some wins. And these are some wins directly from our Fulltime Music Academy, Facebook group, and the first win congratulations to Ted of doing a walkthrough of a brand new wedding venue in Lake George. That's awesome. Paul, congrats. You've sent out emails to venues in Wisconsin, getting some responses. Dennis, congrats on your gig, your Sunday residency at a local church. You're now booked there till March. That's amazing. Kimberly, congratulations, highest paid gig to date over the weekend. And your duo mate is getting serious about it. That is so cool. I love when that happens. And that's a result of booking some awesome gigs for them and paying them well. So good for you. Kristen, you booked two weddings this year and two venue tours scheduled for tomorrow. Good luck. Let me know how those go. Dennis, congrats on selling CDs at the gig. So you've proven that people still do have CD players. That's awesome. Sarah, first partner and venue meet up another one coming this Wednesday. Congratulations. Batavia book, two gigs, and one couple's Choice Award for Wedding Wire. Congratulations, Emily, congrats on joining FMA and then booking your first wedding this year. That's awesome. And lastly, Kyle, you found a source for backing tracks. That's great. Recorded a couple of videos for your video reel, and then learned a few new songs for your repertoire. Congratulations. That's a ton of progress you just joined a couple of weeks ago. I'm very proud of you and all of my students. Dennis, good to see you. How are you? All right. Well, I wanted to share with you I shared this in our group coaching the other day. But I know not everybody went to that. And if you're in The Business Tips for Gigging Musicians, you might not see the group coachings because that is a benefit of being in Fulltime Music Academy. But I wanted to You know, here at Fulltime Music Academy and in The Business Tips share this new strategy with you about websites. for Gigging Musicians, we don't just treat our websites as this glorified portfolio, because when you send people to that website, they're gonna get confused, they're not going to know what to do. And maybe they'll think you're cool, but they won't know how to take the next step of actually booking you and giving you their money. So as you all know, my approach is to treat your website as a marketing tool. And we use marketing funnels in that. So I'm going to share with you a new funnel type that I created. And I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but I haven't seen anybody else doing it effectively. And I call this the song list funnel. So if you go to my website, and I'm going to just share that screen. I run extreme strings, electric violence, that is me playing Sam Smith, unholy. And this website is a funnel hub. The goal is to direct people into all of my marketing funnels. And you can browse and find my funnels and funnel hack me. But the song list is an opportunity to capture people's leads. You know, some musicians have a song list on their website, many of them do not I would highly recommend it. Because I launched this song list funnel on Friday, and on Saturday, I got my first lead from it. So what I did was in the navigation for my site, I put a song list tab. And then it's a very simple page. The title is song list. And then a hint at how many songs are in my library with over 400 songs in our library. We can play everything from Beethoven to Bruno Mars, like I'm trying to handle the objection of you can't possibly play the songs that I want at my event. And like oh yes, we can. We've got plenty of songs and they're all in a variety of genres. The next thing I have are instructions, click the red song titles to watch a video of us performing the song. That's bad grammar there, I gotta fix that. And then I have the, the genres that I play in. I've simplified. Obviously, there are a lot more than just for genres. But my clientele are not necessarily the most musically educated. And they would understand these four genres. So I chose pop, classical, jazz, and movies, slash musicals. And then I listed somewhere between 10 and 20 songs for each of the four genres. You can see in pop, I've chosen some of the more popular ones that people request. Often, these are the songs that tend to appear on the lists of like top 20 wedding songs, or top 20 cocktail hour songs, I try to get the ones that are very relevant and highly requested. And then the what makes this a funnel, this is kind of how to take it to the next level with your marketing is that instead of putting all 400 songs on this page, I only put enough to give them a hint. And then at the bottom of each of these genre lists, there is a link to download our entire song list. When they click that link, a pop up opens, the title is download Full song list, enter your email address to receive a PDF with our Full song list. And then one field for them to enter their email address. And then download now. So this is how you can capture email addresses so that you can follow up and then sell a gig to your prospects through your song list. So if you want to see what happens when they do that, you can enter my email address, click Download song list. And then it brings them to a simple page that thanks them. Thank you for downloading the song list, click the button below to download our song list. That button brings them to my Google Drive where they could download a PDF of the song list, which I have not had designed yet. It's pretty ugly looking, but it it delivers the results. And then this is the key is the second part. You know, once they've downloaded the song list, let's chat about your event. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me or call this phone number. And then it's an embedded calendar widget for them to book a consultation with me. If they click on one of the dates. This is Calendly by by the way, in Fulltime Music Academy, I suggest you set this up right away. So you can do things like this. When they click on a date, ask them what time to book name, email, what type of event are you hosting? What is the date? What is the venue? And then I ask are you planning on behalf of yourself or someone else. If you're planning a wedding, please share the names of the couple. And then share anything else to help prepare for our meeting plus a text message reminder so that I can get them to show up. And then that schedules and events on my calendar and schedule a Zoom meeting so that everybody knows where to show up. So the person that I sent to my website, they looked at my song list, and then they booked a meeting with me. And this is one of the ways that they can do that. So don't miss the marketing lesson here, you've generated a lead, and then you can now sell to them. That's part of the very simple business plan, you know, generate a lead sell to them. And also make sure you have a product people want. Alright, the next thing on the song list, which by the way, this probably is more in depth about song lists than you've you've thought about and that's okay is click on the red song titles to watch a video of us perform the song. You'll notice I've only I only have four of these done so far, the plan is to get all of them done. But this is a really cool piece of marketing is that when they click on one of these songs, instead of going to YouTube, which I think is a mistake. It brings them to a page on my website, which is loading. Cue the Jeopardy music. while that's loading, I'm going to answer Dennis's question. I'm not as versatile as you. Is it acceptable to do a list of the covers that I do? No, absolutely. Yeah, I don't think you need to change your rep your repertoire to make this happen. That's just one of the things that I've chosen to do is to be very diverse with what I can play. But just do your own lists. You don't need to change what you do to make this work. If you're getting feedback that your song list doesn't work for people, then you might consider switching it up. But for now, start with what you've got. All right. I'm not sure why that didn't work. We're going to try that again. I think I tried click there it is. Alright, so instead of taking them directly to YouTube, it takes them to a page on my site that does not have any navigation. It has the title of the song and the artists have video of me playing it. And then again, let's chat about your event, schedule a free 30 minute consultation or call me. So again, I'm generating a lead and selling something to them using this page. This particular page is called a bridge page because it bridges them from the content that they came for, to the next step in your marketing funnel, which is to schedule a consultation. So that is the bridge page. And somebody else did that, too. They sent me an email saying, Jared, I love your videos, where are you available to perform at my Gala, and then they scheduled a consultation with me, then it says I can see where the video performance is very powerful. Yeah, that's why I want to have videos of every single song on my song list. Because it's kind of like when people go to Costco, you know how they have those little sample stands set up where you can taste the pretzels, or taste the sausage or tastes, whatever, and give them a taste of what you can do. And then Costco does that they invest a lot of money in those free samples, because they know that a certain percentage of the people who try it are going to grab a bag of the pretzels are going to grab a 12 pack of brats and take them home and eat them. So that's this is that strategy. No, I'm gonna give them a sample of what I'm able to do for their event. And then give them a way to take it home, which in this case is schedule a consultation, and I will sell you a gig. So this worked already, it already generated a lead for a gala. I'm meeting with them next week. But very powerful stuff. So to recap, this is the song list funnel. And there are two cool features about the song list. One is to give them a way to download the entire song list. Don't give them the full song list unless they give you their email address. That way you can follow up with them. And the second cool feature is on your song list, provide links to watch videos that are not just on YouTube, but are an actual part of your gig marketing. If anyone has questions, feel free to comment on this. I will leave this up the replay up for quite some time. So you can comment on it and ask about it. And yeah, that's the way that goes. So very cool. I hope you guys enjoyed that. I do have an announcement. The announcement is due to the popularity of the Fulltime Music Challenge that we just ran a couple of weeks ago. We now have dates for the next Fulltime Music Challenge. So the next Fulltime Music Challenge is actually happening two weeks from tomorrow, which would be Tuesday, February 7, I will be actually the registration page is up if you're interested, you can go to And that will start promoting it more heavily. Because, you know people booked a lot of gigs during this challenge. There was one person who came and on day two of the challenge he put out one of the promotional pieces that I suggested and a bar contacted him with three dates each at $750. So he booked those three dates and got over $2,000 and gigs total just on day two of the challenge. So I would urge you go to registration is now officially live. And I would love to see you there. So thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of our Gigging Business Tips for Gigging Musicians weekly live stream and remember, "You are just one gig away!".