The Gigging Musician Podcast

Christmas in July is Over

Jared Judge

In this episode, Jared Judge shares his experience performing at a "Christmas in July" event hosted by the Denver Art hotel. He reflects on the success of the gig, the connections he made, and how it served as a marketing opportunity for him. Jared emphasizes the importance of networking and leveraging opportunities to showcase one's capabilities. He also highlights how playing at this event led to potential future gigs and connections with other professionals in the industry.

What's up gigging pros? It's Jared Judge. Welcome back to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast. Speaking of gigging, I'm just leaving a gig, it is a Tuesday at 149 in the afternoon, and this was a corporate event, it is still July, I'm not sure when these podcasts will get least, but it is July. And I just played a Christmas in July event, super fun. So this event was actually hosted by the Denver Art hotel. And it's a really cool hotel, right by the art museum that has tons of art. And it's very art themed. And they do care a lot about, you know, live music and art. And this specific event was actually hosted by the event sales team, as a way to invite other event planners and event companies and corporations who might host their event into their space and show them a good time with a Christmas in July themed event. So it was awesome. I played maybe about three quarters, I played two hours, by the way, two hours of music, I took a little break in between the two sets. And I played three quarters Christmas music, and then one quarter like top 40s. And ended with don't stop believing. So this event was amazing. It was really good for me, because, you know, it was a great way to showcase my capabilities. And I did get a couple people come up to me afterwards saying, Oh, I've got some events that I would love to have you at. I've got a planner that I want to introduce you to. And I don't know if this planner has a electric violinist on her list of recommendations. And so it was amazing, because this is me making deposits into my Gig Vaults. And the even cooler part was I got paid very well to do this one. And this one was not a freebie. Actually, when the way that I got this gig was through another deposit I made into my Gig Vault. When I played at a networking event for the events industry here in Denver, it's a little networking group called venue hub. And they it's literally like a website that, I guess aggregates venues. I think I mentioned it on this podcast a while ago, it brings together venues so that if somebody is hosting a private event, and they need a venue for it, you can go on this website, venue hub, and they will show you the best in town and you can find your next venue. And so this venue, hub, company, they host networking events, I think every month, and I played back, I think it was April or May played at one of theirs. Really cool event, there are pictures of it online, there might even be a couple of videos, I'm not sure. And after this event, I got an email from one of the Catering Managers at the Art hotel, saying, Hey, I heard you at venue hubs. And we're hosting at Christmas in July event. And we really got to have. So that's another like, I keep saying that the Gig Vault is the best way to get gigs because you're not competing against other musicians in your category. Like people have heard you people know you, they like you. They trust you. They want you. They don't want any other option. And so I didn't know exactly what kind of event this was, nor did I realize like this event was essentially a marketing event for me. But so he just said, you know, are you are you ready? Like are you available? What do you charge? I quoted him my normal fee. And he said, sounds good to me, send me the contract, and we're good to go. So booked the gig at a normal private event rate, which is very nice. And then only afterwards that I realized like, Oh, this is kind of like a showcase. So that's pretty awesome. And that's actually the reason why I played three quarters Christmas music. You know, Kyle that the sales manager to ask me, you know, what, can you play some some Christmas music? And I said, Absolutely. I had a nice hour and a half playlist put together from a previous Christmas event that I played. It was I did an episode about this one too. It was at historic four mile Park in Denver. So I just reused that playlist which had a lot of really good Christmas music on it. And then I realized like, I want these people to also have a idea of what else I could do at their events. Like I'm not just a Christmas music person. So then I busted out in the top 40s played some Sam Smith played journey and don't stop believing played some Miley Cyrus. And yeah, it was really good that people coming up afterwards complimenting me say you sounded awesome. And then referring me to their other connections. There was also another musician there a singer. They hired a singing elf to be in the lobby of this hotel. So I got to meet the singer and chatted with them, and showed them them the physical copy of the Gig Vault that I brought along just for fun. And they're like, Wow, that's awesome. I was like, Yeah, I got this gig from it. And who knows, maybe they'll become member of Fulltime Music Academy because of it. But we'll we'll see. So that is kind of the wind for today. I just wanted to share that story. Because it's a super fun gig. I'm very proud of my performance. I'm happy with the way it turned out happy with the feedback that I got from it. And yeah, the event organizers said it was great that you put some that 40s At the end, people really loved it. So I feel like I did justice by the event planner, and hopefully, some future work comes out of it. So that is all I got for you guys today. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of The Gigging Musician Podcast. By the way, if you want gigs like these, you will don't know where to turn. You're frustrated with the dead ends of not getting any gigs. Then get your free copy of the Gig Vault. It is a treasure trove of over 24,665 high end venue and event contacts. This venue that I played at was on the Gig Vault and it was a great way to connect with them. So get your free copy along with a free 30 day trial of Fulltime Music Academy at open the I can't wait to see you in our private Fulltime Music Academy Facebook group. Alright, take care everybody. Remember, "Your music will not market itself!". Bye everybody.